With warmer weather, seniors sense Six Flags trip around the corner

The Colossus is just one of many thrilling rides that await seniors on their trip to Six Flags.

Christina Richards, Writer

Thrilling rollercoasters await the class of 2020 as the annual Senior Trip creeps up on students. On April 7th, Hazelwood Central senior students as well as other schools, look forward to participating in the annual Six Flags senior trip where all the students unite to miss a day of school and celebrate their final year of high school. 

“Definitely looking forward to this day. I just know I’m going to see all of my other friends from the other schools that are coming,” said senior Jaelyn Rhodes.

Six flags is a time for students to celebrate their near freedom. Also, students will be allowed to celebrate with their peers from other schools such as Hazelwood East and West, Trinity High, Pattonville and more schools around St.Louis. From other years of the annual senior trip, Six Flags has always been one of the best experiences that seniors enjoy the most because they are able to share their joy with their friends.

“I’m excited to see my friend Daniel because we don’t go to the same school so with our busy schedules, we don’t see each other as much,” said Rhodes. 

There are of course many rides provided at this amusement park for students to choose from. The Ninja, Mr. Freeze and Boomerang and more are rides that are intimidating to most of the students. It may be overwhelming to some, but the rides will be awaiting for their company.

“One ride I refuse to get on is Superman. I just cannot take it,” said senior Jasmine Davis.

Even though seniors are eager to take the trip to Six Flags, some of the students dont agree with the rules that apply for the day of the feild trip. All students are to report on their assigned bus according to their last names. Also, they aren’t letting students travel to Six Flags with their own transportation for safety purposes.

Some seniors feel that rules should relax because it’s one of their last few days attending Central and they should be able to have a little freedom.

“Not being able to take our own cars to Six Flags is kind of lame time. We’re almost grown and we should be able to do whatever we want,” said Rhodes.

“I just feel like it’s not fair to us because it’s our day to have fun and we can’t take our own cars?”  said Davis.

Teachers and faculty at Hazelwood Central were asked to volunteer as chaperones for the field trip. As chaperones their jobs are to make sure that students are on the correct buses, and making it to the amusement safely there and back. Teachers that have already volunteered and ready for the busy day are excited as the students.

“It’s going to be a lovely day and hopefully there isn’t any rain. Things should go smoothly for everyone,” said English teacher and senior class sponsor Ms. Poos.

As senior students gather up their coins to purchase their Six Flags tickets, despite a couple complaints, they are defintely prepared for the energetic day that is awaiting them. Reuniting with old friends from different schools, creating new memories and making great conversations will lead to one of the best days of their high school career.

“Definitely gonna look forward to seeing some of my other friends and making memories. I feel like I’m really going to enjoy myself,” said Rhodes.