Review: Fire Emblem Fates
March 2, 2016
While Fire Emblem is a franchise most may not have heard of, it is actually one of the oldest Nintendo series. Beginning with the NES in Japan, Fire Emblem is a Tactical Role-Playing game that has been enjoyed by Japanese gamers since the 80’s, making its move to America in 2003, and now enjoying its newest entry for the 3DS on February 19th, 2016.
The tale follows the player’s custom avatar (canonically named Corrin) as they must choose between two Royal Families in who to support during the war. Hoshido, their blood relatives, and Nohr, the family that has raised him since infancy and treated them as their own.
As said before, Fire Emblem as a series is a game of strategy and tactics, and be warned, it is not for the faint of heart. Not only do its storylines and themes become quite dark and possibly unnerving, the game itself is a great challenge for most players. This is particularly evident in Classic Mode, which takes on the system of previous games in which if a Unit falls, they are dead, and can never be used again. However, if this seems too daunting, one can choose either Casual Mode, where units re spawn after a Chapter is cleared, or Phoenix Mode, where a Unit will spawn at their starting location after a few turns. Regardless, the many challenges one faces in Fire Emblem Fates will catch any player unaware if one is not careful, whether you are new to it or a seasoned veteran.
Perhaps Fire Emblem’s strongest and most consistent point is its characters. From its very beginnings, your soldiers are not pawns to be thrown away, but each one is a unique character with strengths, dreams, and weaknesses. This is most shown in the Support System, in which certain units fighting side by side will build Support, and after a few conversations will provide bonuses to each other in battle, may become close friends, or perhaps even lovers.
Overall, while the series is challenging and can be difficult to completely grasp, it is accessible and teaches its players well, creating an extremely fun and enjoyable experience for those willing to learn.
Video Game: Fire Emblem: Fates
Platforms: 3DS
Price: $60.00
Rating: 9.25/10