Health Occupations students prepare for blood drive
Blood Drive to take place on April 12th in room F102
Health Occupations teacher Mrs. Pukala looks on as seniors Salma Hurtado and Armani Taylor prepare to practice sponge bath techniques. Health Occupations students are sponsoring the blood drive on April 12th.
April 11, 2016
As if high school isn’t draining enough, Hazelwood Central is now asking for your blood.
Central’s Health Occupations students are hosting their annual Blood Drive on April 12th during all lunch shifts. The donations will take place in classroom F102.
The blood will then be sent to Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center.
There will be free t-shirts and snacks available to those who volunteered.
It only takes one person’s blood to save multiple lives.
“The donation of blood from one person can save 3 lives,” explained Sharon Elliott, a secretary at Central.
The Health Occupations students are excited to participate in something related to their future career field.
“This is our first time doing the blood drive since Health Occ. is only for seniors,” says senior Sierra Johnson.
The Health Occupations students feel that the blood drive is something positive for the entire school.
“It’s a great experience and it is good that our school is doing it and that people want to help others without being forced to,” said senior Jessica Nast.
“It makes Central look good,” she said.