Tennis gets in the swing of things
April 25, 2018
When the ball comes to your dominant hand and you hit it forward this increases the speed of the ball, and hopefully it goes over the net. Can you pull that off? Well the HCHS tennis team pulls it off all the time.
A powerful serve, and consistent forehand and backhand is the key to becoming a great tennis player. It also takes time and practice.
“Practice is right after school 2:50 to 4:30 also, and I also practice a little on my own after school,” said Jalen Mathis, a four-year player.
Jalen got his start because his uncle played at Riverview all four years, and got an academic scholarship for tennis, ao it paid his way to college. Introduced at a young age, he really wanted to play the sport. He was into sports that weren’t as common as others like soccer, tennis. So as an athlete he could play any sport, and when he heard central had a tennis team he joined right away. After joining he has played varsity all four years, and has been within the top five all four years also. “It’s a lot of free money out there for the non-common sports,” said Mathis.
Right now Mathis believes that he is at a place where he is looked upon highly, and has to compete at a high level. With his team since he’s a stronger player there is more expected of him, and there is a lot that goes into like leadership and responsibility.
“When we play doubles I’ll notice that since I have a stronger swing they’ll hit it to my teammate who has the weaker swing. So it’s up to me to step back and help them out.”
The game of tennis is unique. Each game has different forms of play. You can go to 8 points, one point a game. The scores it’s 15, 30, and 40 then that’s game. If you go to 40 and it’s tied you go to deuce, and play until the advantage is set.
Tennis teams are rank on a scale of six. In the first practice they play for rank spots if you play in previous you stay at the spot you are unless there was a senior ahead. Then you move up. But the people under try to take your spot and the first six are varsity. The seven and under are junior varsity.
“We basically rank to make sure that matches are fair. It wouldn’t make sense for a one spot to play a six spot. It would be an easy game,” said Mario Miller another four year tennis player.
Miller got his start because his friend jalen Mathis referred him to the game. Miller also had free time, and wanted to work out and stay in shape. It took him awhile to get the hitting of the ball down, but after that he was playing way better.
Tennis takes hand eye coordination, and if you don’t have that it’ll take a while to to get that. you’ll also need footwork and proper stamina. To get up and down the tennis court.
“Tennis takes a lot of stamina and at first that’s what I lacked, but when I got in shape I was way better,” said Miller.
Conference for this team will be April 30th. Now they are trying to focus on weaknesses to strengthen even the most strongest players. So when it gets to the most important part of the season they are ready.