Seniors Start Prom Prep
Students dance and sing during the 2019 prom. This is what all of the weeks of preparation have led them to. “I’m so excited, I’m looking forward to it. I feel like it’s going to be fun,” explains Nyla Anderson, about her expectations for this year’s prom.
February 3, 2020
As the class of 2020 seniors slide into their last semester of high school, prom has been a huge talk of the town as preparation such as finding designers and boutiques to purchase dresses from has started. Prom is a HUGE event for Hazelwood Central students such as Jakayla Kirk, Nyla Anderson, and Sydney Dukes. But will these prom preparations be a smooth process for the senior students of Hazelwood Central?
Prom is defintely an exciting time for the students. Senior students this year have high hopes for prom 2020 and what is in store for them.
“Yesss, I’m so excited, I’m looking forward to it. I feel like it’s going to be really fun,” said senior Nyla Anderson.
Seniors excitement to show out in their best dressed outfits is rising as their ideas come fluently to their minds. The preparation for students is intense. Traveling to boutiques and prom dress consultations are weighing heavy into their schedules.
“Picking out your outfit and what style dress you want to wear will probably be the most time consuming,” said senior Jakayla Kirk.
Prom preparation can be smooth or challenging for some students due to fitting in all the appointments with working around school, sports and work schedules. Students start preparing themselves for appointments and party plans starting around December or even the beginning of the school year. Being ahead allows them to avoid any stress or craming so that their prom experience is as smooth as possible. The girls may have to get dress fittings, or simply trying to find someone to book a makeup appointment with.
“My hair will be the most difficult to book for me I think. The thing is with my hair is you might not know who you want to do it and how you may want your hair,” said Anderson.
“For me, would definitely be my outfit and makeup,” said Kirk.
Ideas are very heavy for students as they try to decide what color they are considering for prom. Variety flows throughout prom for Hazelwood Central students, and students are willing to live up to these high expectations.
“I was thinking black and gold because it would go well with my complexion,” said Anderson.
“Pink and silver are my top colors choices for my dress,” said Kirk.
Prom isn’t just all about dressing up at the event and having a great time there, the aftermath is definitely most of the students look forward to. Many of the students arrange plans to go to the movies, out to eat, or a hotel party to celebrate their great time at prom afterwards.
“I plan on booking a hotel room and maybe going to grab something to eat and getting ice cream with some friends. It’s all about creating those fun memories,” said senior Sydney Dukes.
Creating these memories will only enhance relationships that will possibly last a lifetime.
The last days of the senior’s high school days are counting down and prom preperation is a part of concluding their journeys and making memories. Even though the process leading up to prom may be a bit challenging, it’s all about the things that will make your memories last forever. Prom is supposed to be the highlight of the students careers and they are definitely going to make this the best night of their lives.
“I’m so excited, I’m looking forward to it. I feel like it’s going to be so fun!” said Anderson.